Snow Day Information
Old Man Winter can be pretty tough at times. When snow accumulates and the Upper Michigan wind begins to blow, Marquette Area Public School Officials share with parents a concern for the safety of their children. Here are a few guidelines that should help us in working together to assure the safety of students.
If bad weather forces the closing of school, an announcement will be made on local T.V. and radio stations, Facebook, via SchoolMessenger and will be displayed at Marquette Area Public Schools Website as soon as possible.
If schools are open during inclement weather, parents should decide whether or not their children should attend school.
When extreme weather conditions develop during school hours, it is generally our policy not to dismiss students. Because of the number of working parents in our community, many children do not have adult supervision at home during the day. Children are most often safer inside the school building than on the street.
On occasion, extreme weather conditions may dictate the early closing of school. In the event of an early dismissal, an announcement will be made over radio/TV stations, Facebook, the school website and through SchoolMessenger. Students who walk to school will walk home; those bused to school will be bused home. Parents who wish to have their children picked up within an hour of dismissal time should contact their school.
Parents may pick up their children during the school day if they feel it is necessary to do so.
If you would like to receive email and text notifications regarding all school closures, please be sure the school office has your updated information.