Emergency Notification System

Dear Parent and Guardians,
Marquette Area Public Schools utilizes SchoolMessenger as our emergency notification system (inclement weather, other potential school closings, lockdowns, etc.).  This is  the ONLY method of communication used for attendance, Saturday school, library fines and past due library books, so please keep that in mind when you are opting in or out of those areas in Family Access.

The system is configured to send emergency phone calls , text messages and emails to recipients who have agreed to receive them.  If you have not already done so, we are encouraging families to confirm the accuracy of information we have in our system (for address changes: you must contact your student’s school). To review your family information all you need to do is log into Skyward Family Access (if you have more than one log-in for Family Access you must log in to both accounts). If you do not have a Skyward Family Access account, please contact your student’s school.

To make changes to your information, the process is easy.

  1. Once you are logged in to Family Access click on the Skylert button.

  2. Review the information you see and update as necessary.

  3. SchoolMessenger will contact you at every number you have listed so please keep that in mind when entering phone numbers. For instance, if you have listed your home phone, your cell phone and your work phone, you will receive three phone calls.

  4. Please verify your email address. You may add one additional email address per Skyward account.

  5. Text Message Numbers: You may have up to two text message numbers.

  6. Please review all the check boxes for each type of notification method. You may opt in or out of any of them but please remember this is the only communication method that will be used for those items listed above.

  7. When finished you MUST click on the save button.

  8. This system will not replace the current school communication methods used by your student’s school.

If you would like to opt in from your wireless device all you have to do is send the word "YES" or "NO" if you would like to opt out to 68453).  If you opt-out you will not receive these text notifications however you will still receive phone calls and/or email messages.

If you have any questions about Skyward access, please contact your student’s school office.