Mental Health Resources

MCHD School-Based Mental Health Centers

The Marquette County school-based health centers work to achieve the best possible physical, intellectual, and emotional health of adolescents by providing services that are high quality and accessible to youth year-round. Marquette has two school-based health centers, one at Bothwell Middle School and one at Marquette Senior High School.

  • Confidential counseling for ages 5 - 21

  • Insurance and Medicaid accepted

  • No one will be turned away due to inability to pay

Marquette Senior High School

Center Hours of Operation
7:00 AM—3:00 PM

For appointments:
Marquette Senior High School

1203 West Fair Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855 

Bothwell Middle School

Center Hours of Operation
7:30 AM—3:30 PM Year-round

For appointments:
(906) 225-4262 ext. 3139
Cell (906) 458-1540
Bothwell Middle School 1200 Tierney Street Marquette, MI 49849
Click here to learn more about School-Based Health Centers.

Mental Health Announcements