MAHS Principal
GED / Community Education
Community Testing:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Visit GED to schedule!
To create an account click "Sign up for your FREE account"
To sign up for a testing appointment go to About the Test and click "Schedule"
Select "MAPS Adult & Community Education" as your testing center
GED Preparation & Tutoring
For members of the community over the age of 22: Find study material, practice tests, and more at the Peter White Public Library and Call us for information on where else to look for GED resources.
Students under 23 years of age: In person instruction and practice may be available to you. Please call us for more information.
Each of the four subject tests cost $43.50 (Total cost: $174)
No wait period on first 2 retakes
Retake the test within a year to get a discounted retake rate!
For transcripts and records, please visit:
Community Schools Faculty

Andrew Crunkleton