Parent Committee Bylaws
Title VII Native American Education Program
Marquette Area Public Schools
Native American Parent Committee
By-laws Amended 9/29/03
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Native American Parent Committee (NAPC) of Marquette Area Public Schools and shall be located in Marquette County, State of Michigan.
Article II: Purposes
The purposes of the NAPC are to:
Ensure parental involvement in the education of Native American children in the Marquette Area Public School system in accordance with the Federal Regulations pertaining to the Indian Education Act’s Title VII, Formula Grants (Parts 250-251 and EDGAR 34 CFR 74-75, 77-79).
B. Represent Native American students within the Marquette Area Public Schools
C. Serve as an advisory committee functioning independently from influence by agencies,
Organizations, and programs other than the Native American community.
Work with district administration to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to determine the culturally-related academic needs and the general education needs of Native American students within the MAPS district.
Monitor and evaluate the on-going progress of the project towards meeting established goals and objective and recommend appropriate action to the project coordinator.
Article III: Duties, Limitations, and Obligations
Section 1 - Duties
Meet with the district superintendent and school board on a bi-annual basis (or as needed) to review the project needs assessment, progress report, and discuss district services for the Native American community.
The NAPC will participate in the preparation, monitoring, and revision of the project budget and work plan,
The NAPC will solicit input from the Native American community through a minimum of one public meeting to obtain comments and recommendations regarding the goals and operation of the project. Once the NAPC solicits this information, the NAPC will approve the annual grant application and any subsequent revision in writing prior to submission,
The NAPC will advise the district personnel department in developing and refining project staff job descriptions,
The NAPC will serve as an application screening and candidate interview committee to make recommendations for hiring project staff,
The NAPC will consult with the district curriculum department to help assure adequate and accurate native American content within district curriculum,
The NAPC will organize and implement district-wide cultural enrichment activities and events,
The NAPC will represent issues involving Native American students with regards to issues at community or school forums and make recommendations related to the districts educational program,
The NAPC will review, amend, and approve parent committee by-laws on an annual basis,
The NAPC will participate in training to become familiar with the legal rights and responsibilities of the NAPC and to obtain skills necessary to carry out the duties of the NAPC on an annual basis (month TBD).
Section 2 - Limitations
The NAPC shall have no power to bind any member of the school district to any debt, without an express written authorization from the school district;
No member of the NAPC shall be required to provide any sum of money (i.e. membership fees, due etc.) or property to the NAPC
The NAPC shall not pay any member for carrying out the delineated responsibilities in the bylaws.
The NAPC shall have no more power than those specified herein.
Members of the NAPC will avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest by abstaining from voting on any project matter, which may benefit their immediate family more than the rest of the project population.
NAPC members shall not work for the Title VII project.
No more than two family members per household may vote on any single motion.
Section 3 - Obligation
Each general member of the NAPC should:
know the code of ethics
Know the Alcohol and Drug Policy (see attached)
Article IV Membership & Committee structure
Section 1 - Eligibility to serve on the NAPC
Members of the committee should fall under one or more of the eligibility requirements made up of the following:
Parents of project-enrolled students, including individuals acting as legal guardian of project-enrolled students.
Teachers within the Marquette Area School District
Project enrolled secondary school students (where appropriate) and
Community members living within the Marquette Area School District who maintain a direct interest to the welfare and education of the Native American students attending MAPS
Members can no longer serve on the NAPC if:
The parent representative’s child no longer attends MAPS.
The teacher is no longer employed by MAPS
The student representative no longer attends MAPS
The community member moves outside the MAPS District.
The member misses five consecutive regularly scheduled meetings.
Conduct is unbecoming of a NAPC Board Member and role model for students.
Section 2 - Structure and composition
Any organization is composed of individual members. However, the type of organization will determine the nature of the membership. For the NAPC, federal regulations (34 CFR 251.20) identify who is eligible to serve and to participate as a committee member:
At least half of the NAPC members must be parents
At least one member of the NAPC must be a teacher
At least one member of the NAPC must be a project-enrolled Native American secondary student (if any such student is enrolled within the school district).
Section 3 - Committee Size
The NAPC shall consist of no less than 5 and no more than 12 eligible members.
Section 4 - Nominations & Elections
Nominations of Committee Members
Notification of nominations for general membership of the NAPC will be mailed to each parent of project-enrolled Native American students at least ten (10) days prior to regular NAPC meeting in December.
The secretary will create a public announcement or press release of nominations to the NAPC and of the NAPC meeting in December. This release will be sent to the area media including but not limited to: newspapers, radio and cable channel billboards (i.e. MAPS Cable Channel).
At such a duly announced regular meeting for all interested parties, nominations for NAPC committee members will be taken at the NAPC meeting held in December. Nominations will remain open until the January election meeting.
NAPC is responsible for verifying eligibility of nominees to serve on the committee prior to Election Day.
Once a nominee has accepted his or her nomination, each NAPC nominee shall also sign the NAPC Code of Ethics.
Elections of Committee Members
Notification of elections will be mailed to each parent of project-enrolled Native American students attending MAPS soliciting interested parents to serve on the NAPC prior to the regularly scheduled December meeting.
The secretary will create a public announcement or press release will be sent to the area media including but not limited to: newspapers, radio stations, and cable channel billboards (i.e. MAPS Cable Channel).
The committee membership shall be established through a general election among all eligible constituents at the NAPC meeting held in January of each year. The committee reserves the right to appoint additional voting members as needed by majority vote.
The committee shall be the members elected by those persons who are eligible to serve as Title VII Parent committee members.
Section 5 - Voting Procedures
Voting for NAPC general membership will be done by ballot by all persons eligible to vote (including President and Project Coordinator). Persons voting must be present at the January meeting in order to vote.
Voting by proxy shall be allowed only during regularly scheduled meeting times, or special meetings initiated by the voting member via phone, e-mail or sealed envelope only.
Election is won by simple majority.
Section 6 - Terms of General Members
General members may serve as long as eligible. Must commit for a minimum term of 1 year.
Membership terms and responsibilities to the NAPC cannot be transferred from one general member to another person (even though other person may be eligible). Vacancies need to be filled by a quorum vote.
Appointment of Ex-offcio or Honorary Committee Members
Ex-officio/honorary membership may be appointed by the majority vote of the quorum. These members will receive meeting notices and participate in the meetings but may not vote on action required items.
Ex officio/honorary membership may be extended to one of the following;
Tribal leaders (not necessarily within MAPS district)
Native Americans Elders
Other as determined by committee
Article V. Officers& Delegates
Section 1 - Officer Titles will be as follows, Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2 - Duties of Officers:
The Chairperson shall perform all duties incident of Office of Chairperson and such other duties as prescribed by the NAPC. The duties of the chairperson will be to:
Know the parliamentary procedures of conducting a meeting.
Approve the agenda for each general meeting.
To call and conduct all general NAPC meetings.
Serve as an authorized signatory for expenditures of NAPC funds.
Be an ex-officio member on one or more standing committees as necessary.
Represent the NAPC in any public presentation or designate a member to do so.
Break a tie vote.
The duties of the Vice-Chairperson will be to:
Preside in the absence of the Chairperson.
Exercise all the rights and privileges of the Chairperson when acting in that capacity.
Be an ex-officio member on one or more standing committees as necessary.
Serve as secretary in the absence of the Secretary at a general meeting.
Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Chairperson or by the NAPC.
The duties of the Secretary will be to:
Record minutes of all general meetings.
Provide copies of the general meetings to the officers, LEA and the Project Coordinator and to such other persons that NAPC may indicate.
Serve as Chairperson in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson.
Ensure that required meeting notices are posted in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws.
Provide an approved agenda and notice of meeting to each member of the NAPC not less than one week before the date of general meeting.
Act as custodian of the NAPC records.
Maintain and update list of the addresses and telephone numbers of the NAPC members
Maintain yearly attendance records of meetings and functions.
Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Chairperson or by the NAPC.
Serve as Treasurer in presenting a financial status report at the general meeting in the absence of the Treasurer.
The duties of the Treasurer will be to:
Maintain an accounting of all NAPC funding in accordance with the procedures established by the bylaws.
Promptly deposit any monies received in the NAPC account.
Obtain appropriate officer signatures for any withdrawal or NAPC funds as approved by a quorum of the NAPC.
Provide an updated budget report at all general NAPC meetings.
Maintain an active log of project budget reports submitted to the NAPC.
Section 3 - Election and Term of Office
Officers shall be elected by majority vote of NAPC members at the first regular meeting of the calendar year.
Officers shall assume their duties immediately upon election.
The term of each officer shall be one calendar year.
Section 4 - Vacancy of Office
Any officer vacancy may be filled by a majority vote of the quorum at a regular meeting. The newly elected officer shall serve only for the remainder of the term.
Section 5 - Training of Officers
Training will be provided by/for committee as needed.
Section 6 – Delegates
NAPC representatives to national, regional and state conferences relating to Native Americans in Education will be chosen based upon their attendance and active participation at NAPC meetings and functions.
Selected delegates/representatives will be expected to attend the entire length of the conference.
Selected delegates/representatives will give a verbal report of the conference information obtained at the next general NAPC meeting.
Selected delegates/representatives will provide a written report of the conference information obtained to the NAPC Chairperson, Secretary, LEA and Project Coordinator.
Article VI. Meetings
Section 1- General Meetings: The NAPC shall meet once a month for the entire length of one school year. The date and time of the general meetings will be decided by a majority vote at the first meeting of the current academic semester.
Section 2 - Agenda. The Chairperson shall prepare the agenda for each general meeting. Individual members of the NAPC are encouraged to submit agenda items to the Chairperson.
Section 3 - Order of Business. General meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order or in accordance with appropriate adaptation thereof. Action required items are so indicated with *. Action may be taken as necessary during the course of business should a quorum be present.
Call to Order
Roll Call of Officers/Establishment of quorum
Public comment
Additions/Approval of Agenda
Approval of minutes
Officer Reports
LEA’s Report
Project Coordinator Report
Subcommittee Reports
Finance & Grant writing
Old Business
New Business
Good of the order
Date/Time of Next Meeting
Section 4 - Special Meetings. Any special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by a majority vote of the NAPC. All members shall be notified within at east one (1) day prior to the meeting.
Article VII. Committees
There shall be two types of committees: standing and special.
Section 1 - The standing committees shall be.
Finance &Grant writing
The duties of the Finance& Grant writing Standing Committee will be to:
Review and approve the grant proposal prior to its submission for application.
Monitors all financial activity of the project and NAPC.
Find and write grants based on goals and needs of NAPC.
Serve as resource for researching possible grants from government, community agencies and/or tribes.
If grant is received, assist with preparation of follow up reports for grantor.
If grant is denied, assist with determining and researching why NAPC was denied.
The duties of the Bylaws Standing Committee will be to:
Review and present to the NAPC on an annual basis for approval.
To add to, subtract from or change any policy or procedure following a majority vote of the NAPC at a general or special meeting.
Section 2 - Special Ad Hoc committees will be appointed according to need by a NAPC. The ad Hoc committee shall meet at the discretion of each Ad Hoc committee chairperson and shall report at the general meeting of the NAPC. The terms of the committee shall end when the task is completed and approved by the NAPC.
Article VIII Ratification
These bylaws shall be adopted by the NAPC when passed by a majority vote of the full membership at a general NAPC meeting.
These bylaws are hereby approved by the
NAPC Chairperson/Date
NAPC Vice-Chairperson/Date
NAPC Secretary/Date
Project Coordinator/Date
MAPS Superintendent/Date